Florida AABE Board Members
Meet Our Professional Volunteers
Walette Stanford
Robert “Bobbo” Lewis
Vice President
Kendra Cash
Phyllis Young
Assistant Treasurer
Tawana L. Fairell-Simmons
AABE Florida Chapter Officers Duties
- Preside over Chapter meetings and services; and call special meetings as needed.
- Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations and Election Committee
- Appoint all standing and Ad Hoc Committee chairpersons, and other special liaisons as needed, unless previously specified.
- Countersign all contracts, vouchers, and other documents that require the President’s signature.
- Shall, along with the Treasurer, oversee and ensure the preparation and filing of the annual IRS tax return by a certified/professional accounting firm.
- Encourage the full participation of all Chapter members.
- Attend local chapter meetings, regional conferences, and National conferences during their tenure; as well as attend quarterly Chapter Presidents and National Board meetings.
- Prepare chapter’s annual report by January 31 for distribution to membership and national office.
- Comply with the rules and regulations set forth in the National Constitution.
- Ensure the timely dissemination of information and / or executive of programs and policies from the Executive Committee as communicated by or received from the National Office; as well as timely respond to requests / inquiries from Regional Coordinator, Board Committee and National Office staff.
Vice President
- Assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in their absence.
- Assist the President, as needed, in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities.
- Serve as liaison officer on other committees as appointed by the President.
- Be expected to attend local meetings, Regional Conferences and National Conferences during their tenure.
- Have quarterly meetings with the Treasurer to balance the budget and monitor chapter finances.
- Monitor and advise the President of all committee functions (meetings, events, programs, etc.).
- Record the minutes of all Chapter and Executive Committee meetings.
- Keep a record of members’ attendance by recording the names of those present at the meetings in the minutes.
- Review all minutes with the President, preferably one-weeks prior to Executive Committee and General Membership meetings.
- Send out correspondence regarding all chapter meetings and other pertinent chapter information.
- Check the Florida Chapter post office box weekly.
- Serve as liaison officer for the Communications Committee.
- File the state of Florida business certification.
- File with the state of the Solicitation of contribution registration with the assistance of the Treasurer.
- Basic proficiency in QuickBooks is needed for the Treasurer’s role.
- Receive, record and be custodian of all chapter funds; make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Committee; either by specific action, or by adoption of a budget to be administered by the Executive Committee.
- Chair the Budget and Finance committee; and assist in the preparation of the chapter’s annual budget.
- Only after a request has been signed by the President and one other Executive Committee member, shall have the authority to sign all checks and vouchers, and disperse funds drawn on the chapter’s financial accounts.
- Report finances monthly (preferably at each Executive Committee meeting) by submitting a full written report.
- Keep accurate records of all receipts and disbursements; and shall pay all bills promptly.
- Shall, along with the President, oversee and ensure the preparation and filing of the annual IRS tax return by a certified / professional accounting firm.
- Shall endorse all checks received by the Chapter “FOR DEPOSIT ONLY” using the chapter’s endorsement stamp(s).
- Shall correspond with the national office to ensure the proper payment of dues to the national office.
- Shall, at the end of his/her term, deliver books to the successor Treasurer by January 31; and shall prepare a financial year-end report for each year in office.
- Shall deliver the previous year’s books to an independent auditor (as needed and determined by the Executive Committee).
Nominations & Elections Committee
- Conduct and oversee nominations and elections process for candidates for AABE FL Executive Committee; and provide membership with a slate of nominees for ensuing elections. The Nominations Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Officers in April of the election year.
- The Nominations Committee shall be comprised of 3-5 active AABE FL members.
- The committee shall begin preparation of a slate, to be completed and verified by the Secretary by the July meeting date. Those wishing to submit names for nomination should do so by September 30. The Committee shall distribute the slate in October.
- Elections will take place in October. The elected officers shall be installed at the December meeting.
- Voting shall be by secret ballot or electronic email.
- Voting is restricted to all members who are financial on the nation and chapter level in the current year.
Membership Committee
- Coordinate recruitment of new chapter members, retention of current members; maintain updated member roster, and work with national office to verify chapter membership.
- Submit a list of members to include name, email address, company affiliation, job title, chapter role and member’s hobby at chapter’s first quarterly General Membership meeting. To also include a list of dropped members.
- Attend and report on membership activities at the quarterly chapter’s General Membership meetings.
- Support the reconciliation of chapter’s accounts receivable to paid membership dues as per the ledger.
- Participate in planning the General Membership Meeting when hosted locally or by committee member’s employer.
- Maintain, publish content for the chapter on Social Media platforms.
Resource Development & Fundraising Committee
- The Resource Development Committee is not responsible for identifying, planning, or executing events, but serves as a resource to ensure that the fundraising process and all fundraising activities are in line with the Chapter Bylaws and are done with the Executive Committee’s approval.
- The committee will make sure the chairperson of each fundraising event reports on the status of all events and activities that they engage in and reports all funds collected for those events and activities.
Regional Coordinators –
The Chapter shall have four (4) Regional Coordinators.
Northeast Region
Central Florida Region
South Florida Region
Northwest Region
- Be a leader of AABE members in a designated geographical region.
- Helps area to develop and maintain local projects and programs.
- Responsible for the professional development of the members of his / her region.
- Assist with membership recruitment.
- Submit a mid-month activity report to the Executive Committee by and work with the Executive Committee and other area coordinators on programs and issues pertinent to the growth of the organization.
- Attend and report on regional activities at the quarterly chapter’s General Membership meetings.
- Each coordinator in shall select a Steering Committee:
- The duties / events for each region’s Steering Committee will include coordination of the following:
- Community Outreach – Create and implement a regional community outreach program.
- Service Projects – Create other community service project opportunities that shares the AABE mission.
- Student Outreach – coordinate and execute a BEAM (Black Energy Awareness Month) project which is acknowledged in October. BEAM, an annual interactive learning program for middle, high school, and college students to increase their knowledge about the energy industry, technology, and various career opportunities. The Regional Coordinators must submit their BEAM project to the President by August 31. The President shares the chapter’s BEAM projects with national in September.
Scholarship Committee Chair
- Management of annual scholarship application and selection process for Florida Chapter awards; and participation in the national scholarship committee / process.
- Ensure available funds by submitting a budget to the Executive Committee by January 31 to include the estimated number of high school recipients and returning scholars to be awarded a scholarship.
- Manage communications to scholars throughout the year, including information regarding internships, meetings, and other opportunities with the chapter.
- Develop statistics and inform the chapter of trends as it relates to scholars, applications, etc. This effort serves to assist the chapter in its continuous evolution to meet the changing industry dynamics and meet the mission to have Black and other minority students have a broader representation in the energy industry.
Communications & Public Relations Chair
- Enhance chapter’s exposure and engagement by preparing and coordinating the distribution of chapter communications (i.e. newsletter)
- Before disseminating newsletters etc. to members, external entities, and the national office, all publications must be reviewed by the President and / or Executive Committee.
- Assist with updating the chapter’s website and social media platforms.
Legislative & Regulatory Chair
- Informs membership of important Federal and State legislative / regulatory developments in the energy industry, and present legislative issues at each quarterly General Membership meeting.
IT Administration
Manage virtual presence of chapter to include Google Suites Account – email, google, drive, etc. and website.