Category: Scholarships


2024 AABE Florida/Duke Energy Foundation Collegiate Scholarship Application now available.

The scholarship committee is pleased to announce the 2024 AABE Florida/Duke Energy Foundation Collegiate Scholarship application is now available.  If you or your network know of a Sophomore-Senior college/university students that are majoring in business, one of the physical sciences, technology, engineering, or mathematics, please encourage them to apply.  All applications must be submitted by the deadline which is Friday, December 20th, 2024. 

Please download the application for further details including eligibility.

The purpose of the AABE-FL/Duke Energy Foundation Collegiate Scholarship is to assist African American, Hispanic and Native American students with the cost of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in energy-related fields at an accredited college or university within the state of Florida.

The AABE-FL/Duke Energy Foundation Collegiate scholarship rewards collegiate students who reside or attend a higher institution within Duke Energy Florida’s service territory.

A motivating force behind what we do is purposefully investing in our future.  Our investments come full circle when many of the students we support go on to work in the energy industry, and those companies, like Duke Energy in this instance, gain skilled workers trained to meet the demands of a modern workforce.

Florida's Women In Energy Leadership ForumScholarships

New AABE Florida Scholarship Alert!

AABE Florida/Florida’s Women in Energy Leadership Forum Scholarship

Program Application Deadline:

Friday, August 30 at 11:59 pm (EST)

It is time again for our annual joint collegiate scholarship with Florida’s Women in Energy Leadership Forum!

This $1,000 award is sponsored by Florida’s Women In Energy Leadership Forum [].  We have partnered with this group to award a woman studying a STEM major in their sophomore to senior year of college.  The winner should have a desire for a career in the energy field. Previous AABE Florida Scholarship Winners can also apply.

This award requires the winner’s attendance at Florida’s Women in Energy Leadership Forum in Tampa, Florida on October 21-23, 2024.  The award will be presented on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.  The registration fee for the leadership forum will be covered for the award recipient. As the 2024 winner, the student will also be provided with unparalleled access to networking opportunities with leaders in the energy sector at the forum.

Click on the link below for the scholarship application and requirements:


If you are interested in applying, please ensure all application materials – including your application, official transcript, and essay are submitted by the deadline of Friday, August 30 at 11:59 pm (EST).  Please feel free to me if you have any questions, my contact info is below.

AABE Florida Chapter Website []

Florida’s Women In Energy Leadership Forum []